
扫墓用英语怎么说 扫墓用英语如何说

2023-05-01 04:42:14 我爱学习 7027次阅读 投稿:离人泪

扫墓用英语怎么说 扫墓用英语如何说

1、扫墓英语是tomb sweeping,音标:英[tu?m?swi?p??]、美[tu?m?swi?p??]。


记者唐从广东省政府获悉,2015年4月5日,广东省发生一起溺水事故,造成7人死亡。17岁女生小伊和家人扫墓后洗手时掉进了水库。Reporter Tang got the news from Guangdong Provincial Government that seven people died in a drowning accident on April 5th, 2015. A 17-year-old girl, Xiao Yi, fell into a reservoir while washing hands after a tomb sweeping with her family.

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